Minggu, 24 April 2011

Sanofi-Aventis gets expanded FDA approval for meningitis vaccine use in young infants

Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi-Aventis, said Monday the Food and Drug Administration approved the company's bacterial meningitis vaccine Menactra for children between the ages of 9 months and 23 months.

The disease is fairly rare in the United States, but those who get it develop symptoms quickly and can die in only a few days. Survivors can suffer mental disabilities, hearing loss and paralysis. The bacteria is spread by coughing, sneezing and kissing, and most cases occur in previously healthy children and young adults.

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Gulf anniversary renews debate on Arctic drilling

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A year after the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history, some experts are pondering the next doomsday scenario - a massive oil well blowout in the icy waters off Alaska's northern coast.

Like the deepest waters of the Gulf, the shallow but frigid seas off Alaska are a new frontier for oil and gas exploration. The reserves are large but come with risks.

With no roads connecting remote coastal towns, storms and fog that can ground aircraft, no deep-water ports for ships and the nearest Coast Guard station about 1,000 miles away - it would be nearly impossible to respond on the scale that was needed last year to stop a runaway oil well and clean up the mess. That means the burden to respond would rest to an even greater degree on the company doing the drilling.

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Ticketmaster rolls out 'dynamic' ticket pricing

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Event tickets seller Ticketmaster said Monday that it is introducing new technology to let artists and sports teams raise or lower ticket prices to reflect demand during the initial sales period - a move it said will crimp the profits of scalpers and boost revenue for performers and teams.

The technology could push up initial prices for front-row seats while reducing prices on less-desirable ones that might have gone unsold otherwise.

Ticketmaster, a division of Live Nation Entertainment Inc., says the change should make it harder for anyone to send prices soaring by buying up all the best tickets and reselling them at substantial profit.

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Health Insurance Plans Advantages

Health insurance plans could appear like an added fixed cost that you can not really want. However, health insurance can be helpful for a list of causes. You can seek through health insurance plans to get the better one for you, whether it is something that only covers the some and far-between doctor's visits you might want throughout the year, or disability coverage that takes into account any serious health issues that you might have. Health insurance, if it is the correct plan, can assist as a hugely good separate of keeping you healthy.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

3 online poker houses face fraud charges in NYC

NEW YORK (AP) -- Federal authorities busted the three largest online poker websites in the United States on Friday with charges of bank fraud and illegal gambling against 11 people, accusing them of manipulating banks to process billions of dollars in illegal revenue.

Prosecutors in Manhattan said they've issued restraining orders against more than 75 bank accounts in 14 countries used by the poker companies, interrupting the illegal flow of billions of dollars.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said the defendants "concocted an elaborate criminal fraud scheme, alternately tricking some U.S. banks and effectively bribing others to assure the continued flow of billions in illegal gambling profits."

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

A Consumer's Guide to Health Care Overhaul

The six-month anniversary age 26 on your health plan if he or she can't get coverage through a job. New policies can't deny coverage for children up to age 19 based on pre-existing medical conditions. "Grandfathered" plans can, however, they also can adjust annual dollar restrains on coverage and require patients to help pay for some preventive services.

Most people in the individual market are expected to move to new plans by 2014. Analysts say most plans in the group market will probably have lost their "grandfathered" status because of changes made to them.